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参考链接:1, http://kuppalli.wordpress.com/2008/11/15/get-live-currency-value-using-yahoo-api/2, http://w

Want to learn more about what makes the web run? PHP is a programming language used for server-side web development. If this doesn't make sense to you, or if you still aren't quite sure what PHP programming is for, keep reading to learn more. An web application called GTD-PHP has been released. It is a Getting Things Done (GTD) personal organization system, web based and written in PHP and Founder of Lifehack Read full profile An web application called GTD-PHP has been released. It is a Getting Things Done (GTD) personal organization sys Why use PHP? Here are the top reasons you should be using PHP to enhance your website. It helps when HTML isn't enough. Now that you are comfortable using HTML on your website, it is time to tackle PHP, a programming language you can use to enhance your HTML website. Why use PHP? Here are some great Learning PHP can help you make your websites more dynamic and interactive and broaden your understanding of how servers work. Get started with these resources and tutorials. Learning PHP can help you make your websites more dynamic and interactive and broaden your understanding of how servers work.

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